AOEM Discord Assistant Bot
Your ultimate ally in Age of Empires Mobile!
Get StartedTry AOEM Assistant
How to use it?
Choose an available instance
Invite the bot to your Discord server
Explore all the bot's features
Building Information
Get precise details about buildings and their levels
- Stats by level
- Construction costs
- Building time
VIP System
All about VIP benefits and calculations
- Level information
- Points calculator
- Optimized progression
Heroes and Civilizations
Explore heroes and civilizations
- Hero stats
- Optimal pairings
- Civilization info
Strategy and Progression
Optimize your game progression
- Tier lists
- Unit stats
- XP Calculator
Codes and Rewards
Don't miss any free rewards
- Gift codes
- Updates
- Events
Test your knowledge and learn
- AOEM Quiz
- Daily tips
- Integrated wiki
Available Commands
Buildings & Units
/building_info [name] [level]
Details about buildings and their levels
/unit_stats [name] [tier]
Unit statistics by tier
Heroes & Civilizations
/hero_info [name]
Detailed hero information
/civ_info [name]
Civilization details and bonuses
/vip_calc [points]
VIP points calculator
/xp_calc [current] [target]
Experience points calculator
List of all commands
Bot information
Instance status
Instance System
Why Instances?
Discord limits bots to 100 servers with privileged intents. Our instance system gets around this limitation.
How does it work?
Each instance is a "copy" of the bot that can serve up to 100 servers, guaranteeing optimal functionality.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to add AOEM to my server?
Simply click the "Add to Discord" button at the top of the page and follow the installation steps. You need administrator permissions on your server.
Is the bot available 24/7?
Yes, AOEM is hosted on high-performance servers and is always available for your Discord server.
How can I get
Join our Discord support server, where our team and community can help you quickly.
AOEM in Numbers
Active Servers
Commands Executed
Active Users
They trust us